This study introduces Ispartalı Zeynelābidin Bey’s 1928 prose translation of Qasīdah al-Burdah, which he titled Hadīqa-i Samaratu’l-Fuʾād, the first and only printed Turkish translation of the ode in Arabic script, and publishes the text in order to make it available within the relevant literature.

In this regard, Qasīdah al-Burdah had started to being the subject of the translation and commentary tradition in Turkish and managed to maintain its place of interest without being neglected until the final years of the Empire and even into Türkiye’s Republican Period. It remained a prominent text in literary circles during the Ottoman period, consistently being translated and commented upon in Turkish. Kaʿb ibn Zuhayr presented this poem to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) in person and received his praise and benevolence, and this poem has been highly regarded for its spiritual and literary value by all Islamic states. 24/645?) Qasīdah al-Burdah, also known as Bānat Suʿād due to its opening words. One of the most widely commented upon and translated works of Islamic literature is Kaʿb ibn Zuhayr’s (d.